Lattice Partner

abaxor engineering is a member of the Lattice Partner Program. We have experience in developing FPGA designs on Lattice FPGAs, including XP, XO2 and ECP2/M. We have also integrated these FPGAs into boards developed by us.
- FPGA designs for safety-critical applications
- IoT
- image processing, signal processing, controller, filter, computer algebra
- Evaluation of Photomultipliers and APDs in Photonics
- AXI-Master and AXI-Slaves
- High-Level Synthesis (HLS)
- Porting C/C++ applications on FPGAs
- Design and implementation of tax procedures and regulations
- Implementation of nonlinear algorithms, e.g.
Piezo controllers/switch amplifiers - FPGA as ASIC prototypes
- Image processing: Companion Chip for Image Sensors
- custom measuring technology
- PCI-Express (PCIe) Applications
- Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Display interfaces for LCD/TFT displays
- Co-Simulation Modelsim with Matlab/Simulink
- Implementation of neural networks on FPGAs